Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing! - Beerview #019 with @curves.cats.crafts

Like the revolution of craft beers in recent years, Instagram is the scene of craft beer account revolution. There are many interesting and unique accounts that combine craft beer enthusiasm with artistic touches. Our new guest @curves.cats.crafts is one of the members of that revolution who carefully prepares herself and the scene for a nice shot with craft beers. Sometimes it can be the art on the bottle, sometimes it can be a scene from a Hollywood movie; you can feel the atmosphere she tries to create with the photo. Now you can also read her nice answers for our interview below to learn more about the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!

·        Can you tell a bit about yourself?
Hi, my name is Agata. I’m 25 years old and I’m from Poland. I love movies (especially 80s slashers), computer games and comics. Kinda nerdy, I know. But I’m just a wolf in sheep’s clothing ;)

·        How and when your interest in beers started?
It’s started a few years ago during holidays when I decided to drink something more sophisticated than simple Euro lager to my pizza. I picked some fruity craft beer at random and it was refreshing at many points. I realized that beer taste can be complex as much as other types of alcohol.

·        Why did you decide to start your account about beers?
I was at one of the Polish beer festivals where the multiplicity of flavors and types totally blew my mind (beer newbie at that time). I was trying to taste everything I can. It was awesome, some really great atmosphere there,  people wasn’t that snobby as it sometimes happens in geek communities. So, after the festival, I googled some Instagram beer accounts. I found out that a lot of girls write about beer and they do it very well. I said to myself “girl, you’re on fire, you can do it”. And it started ;)

·        How many different beers you tried so far? Any guess?
Idk, a lot for sure. Maybe around 300?

·        Which country’s beers you like more and why?
Polish breweries for the top! We’ve got some really good beers here. There’s a lot of flavor combinations that satisfy my strange desire for tasting weird stuff :D

·        Do you remember your first beer? What was your reaction?
During some holidays, when I was really young, I stole a sip from my mom’s beer (a double portion of raspberry juice in it!) and back then it tasted horrible.

·        What is your opinion about craft beers? Which is your favorite?
As I said before: I love them! I especially like many kinds of stouts and Baltic porters.

·        Which 3 beers would you take with you to Mars?

1) Porter Podbity Śliwką (Browar Jabłonowo)

2) Gehenna (Browar Golem)

3) Double Citrus Smoothie (Piwojad)
Zza Winkla Recenzje Piwa
I would probably take my cat and some Bowie’s albums ;) Great beers and great music need company too.

·        What would you recommend to people who started interest in beers?
Be open-minded, try everything! You finally gonna find your taste because there are a lot of beer flavors that are very similar to your favorite coffee, oatmeal, fruit, pralines or all of them at once. It’s a great adventure!

·        Fruit beers are getting popular, what do you think about them?
I prefer Dark but fruit beers are a great start for someone new to tasting craft beers. They are very refreshing in the summer too!

·        Anything else you would like to add? 
Thank you for the interview! It’s very nice when Instagram accounts like mine can reach foreign beer lovers. I’m hoping to inspire people to try craft beers, especially Polish ones! ;)

We also thank Agata for this nice interview! We would like to present some more photos from her account if you are still not convinced about following her:
