A Firefighter in the World of Beers - Beerview #008 with @beersanywhere

We have a new guest from Australia on Beerview interview series, @beersanywhere , who is a firefighter and going around the world trying new beers. His uncle introduced him into the world of beers which were brewed in Coke bottles and his interest in beers is growing until then! Let's read his answers to learn more about his beer adventure.

 ·      Can you tell a bit about yourself?

I am professional Firefighter in Brisbane Australia. Both brothers, uncle and cousin also firefighters. I have traveled to 21 countries with the list growing. Moving to Canada for a 12 month Firefighter exchange  in July 2018.

·        How and when your interest in beers started? 

My uncle, also a firefighter, got me interested when he would make home brew and brew them in 2L Coke bottles hahahaha!

·        Why did you decide to start your account about beers? 

I realised I was drinking beers all over the world in so many different places and I remember saying to my partner at the time that we drink beersanywhere and that gave me the idea to start the page. I love sharing peoples photos as well as my own. I want people to show me where they drink beers all over the world!

·        How many different beers you tried so far? Any guess? 

I could not honestly tell you but maybe 200?

·        Which country’s beers you like more and why? 

I love my home country of Australia’s pale ale they produce here. I did enjoy the beer in Slovenia but I must say you cannot go past German beer!

·        Do you remember your first beer? What was your reaction? 

I remember having my first when I was 16 and did not like it much at all! I also did not understand that drinking can alter your state of mind, I did not understand how you could get drunk! Haha I was so innocent once.

·        What is your opinion about craft beers? Which is your favorite? 

I do love seeing all these craft micro breweries popping up all over the place. I think it is great people are turning their passion of beer into an actual business. As I said above I do love Pale Ale as well as a session ale.

·        Which 3 beers would you take with you to Mars? 

Oh man this is a hard question! 

1) Firemans #4 lager (I have to pick this!) (America)
2) Kosciuszko Pale Ale (Australia)

3) Lasko (Slovenian)

·        What would you recommend to people who started interest in beers?

Get out there and try as many as possible. There are so many different flavours these days and not just the original beers from 20 years ago. If you have a passion maybe try a home brew? 

·        Anything else you would like to add? 

I love the way the beer community on Instagram supports each others pages. It is like we have started an online community and we would all be more than happy to have a beer with one another if we were in the same town! It is like I have over 1000 new friends. I like to keep things light hearted on my page and always try to give the followers a laugh when I post or repost. My job as a Firefighter let’s me see the best and worst of times in people’s lives, so being able to have this page is a good and fun way to switch off after a bad day at work. Lastly I love when people comment and reach out! I love chatting to everyone!! Cheers 🍻

You can follow his account and share your thoughts with him, he would be happy to answer!
