NEIPA Monster? Just tried 1.500-2.000 Beers... - Beerview #004 with @la_petite_biere

Our new guest on Beerview interview series is @la_petite_biere from Montréal, Quebec. She calls herself a "NEIPA monster" and cannot stand people who pour craft beer down the drain just because they don't know what to like. We wouldn't call her a monster but follow her account to learn more about craft beers and NEIPAs before turning her into one! 
Let's read more about her beer adventure:

·        How and when your interest in beers started?

-It started when I met my boyfriend Carl, 6 years ago. He was the first one to introduce me to IPA, stouts and more crafty beers. He made me the beer snob I am today. :-P

·        Why did you decide to start your account about beers?

-Because I was tired of people not exploring craft beer because they didn't know what to expect and they often had to pour the beer down the drain and end up loosing 6-7-8-9 sometime even 10$. All of that because they didn't know what they like. 


Person:"Oh I don't like IPAs because they are bitter." 

Me: "Well not all IPA's are bitter dear, why don't you try a NEIPA?"

Person(takes a sip): "Oh you are right, I do like some IPAs! What is it called again?"

Me: :-D "New England IPA." 

So I decided to teach people, to talk about my "coup de coeur" (no beer bashing with La petite bière) and to stay as simple and concise as I could, so people could size their taste more and know what they like in a beer and, that is my ultimate goal, become curious to explore the craft beer world instead of more commercial options. 

No beer bashing with La petite bière!

·        How many different beers you tried so far? Any guess? 

-WO! Good question... In fact, there are only 2 types of beers. Ales and Lagers. So I would say 2 haha. But more seriously, I had pretty much all the "classics" and definitely many hybrids too, so maybe at least 1.500-2.000. These days I'm focusing on NEIPAs, I have tasted at least 50 different NEIPAs so far. My favorite is actually from Quebec: Nordet IPA from Auval.

·        Which country’s beers you like more and why? 

-USA and CANADA. In general, I prefer yeast from North America because of the taste it brings to the beers. Also because my taste buds are more oriented on North American recipes: I love Hoppy IPA's, Juicy/citrusy IPA's and hoppy ales which are easier to find in those countries. That being said, I also love sours and I had many good ones in Belgium (And of course in Canada and in the US).

·        Do you remember your first beer? What was your reaction?

-Hahaha! I was 9. My uncle, Denis, who was already an hardcore fan of craft, gave me a sip of "Maudite" by Unibroue. I remember liking it and asked for a small glass but I wasn't allowed to take more than one sip. :-P 

·        What is your opinion about craft beers? Which is your favorite?

-Oh! They are the best. The craft brewers were able, by uniting, to compete with multinational breweries and to become big players in the beer industry. They are like the indomitable Gauls. Plus they hire local artist to draw their design, they put in light other local businesses by doing various collaborations so it goes with my consumer values. And, they are passionate. They put lots of love in their products and I can taste the difference. I think my favorite craftbeer/brewery is "the alchemist" in Stowe, Vermont and Hill Farmstead. For all the reasons above. 

·        Which 3 beers would you take with you to Mars?

1- Brother Soigné- Hillfarmstead-  Vermont, USA

2- Nordet IPA -Auval Brewing co- Quebec, Canada

3- Jutsu (Dry hopped pale ale) - Bellwoods - Toronto, Canada

·        What would you recommend to people who started interest in beers?

-To follow me on Instagram and if they speak French on Facebook and Youtube too. ;-)

·        Anything else you would like to add?

-Thanks for the opportunity, it was very fun to do. Oh yes, I wanna add one more thing CHEERS! 

Not to miss any of her interesting photos and nice beer reviews, we recommend you to follow her!

(English⬇️) Hazy, par @overhopcanada c'est, évidemment, une bière trouble. Mais c'est aussi un nez de houblons frais frais frais, qui me rappelle l'odeur des meilleurs pubs des brasseries du Vermont. Suivit par du pin et de la résine de houblons agrumée et sapinée. Le goût est super aromatique car la bière a été houblonnée a froid 2 fois plutôt qu'une: pin, houblon, fruits tropicaux avec une fin bien balancée d'amertume. Texture soyeuse. Petit secret: Ils sont en train de la brasser en ce moment même chez @oshlag 😍🍺J'ai hâte que ça soit prêt!! 📸: 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳 Hazy, by @overhopcanada is, obviously, hazy, but it's also a nose of fresh fresh fresh hops, that reminded me the smell of the Tap rooms of Vermont's top breweries. Followed by pine and resin. The mouthfeel is super aromatic because they dry hopped it 2 times: Pine, Hops, tropical fruits, with a nice silky texture and well balanced bitterness. FYI: They are currently brewing one batch at @oshlag . 😍🍺 📸: . . . . #hazy #overhopcanada #neipa #neipamonster #lapetitebiere
Émilie (Montréal, Quebec) (@la_petite_biere)'in paylaştığı bir gönderi ()
